Monday, January 4, 2016

MoonPie Mill Auction Rescue #260 comes to the villa

Did you know that mills auctioning to other mills is a business?  I had no clue.  Essentially selling puppies into a life of 'slavery'. 

As if the mills selling puppies to stores who in turn sell to families was not bad enough.  This is how I came across MoonPie.  Southwest Auction Service, Wheaton Missouri Mill Auction Catalog #260, on October 17, 2015 she was acquired by a rescue organization in Texas.  I think I saw her for the first time on about the 31st, or at least realized she did not have a forever home. 

See as always puppies are a hot commodity.  She was young, but not young enough.  A French Bulldog, but not French enough. Had lived her life in a mill, but not long enough.  So people just missed her.  I had missed her.

Until the "Let's talk about MoonPie" post.  Then I was done for.  My heart broke for this cute, crazy girl and I applied to adopt her.  But alas, there was someone else who had applied sooner and they were going to adopt her.  Or so it seemed, but then came the next email. "Before I started looking at the other applications we received for her I wanted to touch base with you and see how serious you are about wanting her?"

At this point I was done for as long as my Lucca and she got along.  So we headed out to meet her. And the rest, as they say, is history.

So welcome home to the villa sweet MoonPie.  My Sweet Tuscany would have been so happy to meet you, I am sure she is glad you are here.


  1. Oh, I'm so excited to meet little MoonPie!! She's so so adorable. I'm glad she and Lucca get along. If you want, I can give him some TIPS on how to train a little sister. It's a full time job!

  2. Thanks for the share! Great picture!
